Lengkap! 231 Data Kontaminan terhadap Karbon Aktif

by Hazimah Nurul Wafiq , at December 12, 2016
Berikut adalah kompilasi dari 231 kontaminan dan hubungannya terhadap karbon aktif.
  • E = excelent = dapat diserap dengan sangat baik oleh karbon aktif; setiap pon karbon aktif menyerap rata-rata 33% - 1/3 dari berat senyawa
  • G = good = dapat diserap cukup baik / memuaskan oleh karbon aktif; setiap pon karbon aktif menyerap rata-rata 16,7% - 1/6 dari berat senyawa
  • TA = tanya Ady Water untuk mengetahui
Senyawa Kemampuan Serap Senyawa Kemampuan Serap
Acetaldehyde TA Hydrogen cyanide G
Acetic Acid E Hydrogen fluoride TA
Acetic anhydride E Hydrogen iodide G
Acetone G (PDF) Hydrogen selenide TA
Acetylene TA Hydrogen sulfide G
Acrolem G Incensen E
Acrylic Acid E Indole E
Acrylonitrile E Iodine E
Alcoholic Beverages E Iodoform E
Amines F Irritants E
Ammonia TA Isophorone E
Ameyl acetate E Isoprene G
Amyl alcohol E Isopropyl acetate E
Amyl ether E Isopropyl aclcohol E (PDF)
Aniline E Isopropyl ether E
Asphalt fumes E Kerosene E
Automobile Exhaust G Kitchen odors E
Benzene E Lactic acid E
Body odors E Menthol E
Borane G Mercaptans E
Bromine E Methane TA
Burned Flesh E Methil acetate G
Burned Food E Menthyl acrylate E
Butadiene G Methyl alcohol G
Butane TA Methyl bromide G
Butanone E Methyl butyl ketone E
Butyl acetate E Methyl cellosolve E
Butyl alcohol E Methyl cellosolve acetate E
Butyl cellosolve E Methyl chloride G
Butyl chloride E Methyl chloroform E
Butyl ether E Methyl ether G
Butylene TA Methyl ethyl ketone E (PDF)
Butyne TA Methyl formate G
Butyraldehyde G Methyl isobutyl ketone E
Butyric acid E Methyl mercaptan E
Camphor E Methylcyclohexane E
Caprylic acid E Methylcyclohexanol E
Carbolic acid E Methylcyclohexaone E
Carbon disulfide E Methylene chloride E (PDF)
Carbon dioxide TA Monochlorobenzene TA
Carbon monoxide TA Monofluorotri cloromethane E
Carbon tetrachloride E Naphtha E
Cellosolve E Naphthziene E
Cellosolve acetate E Nitric acid G
Cheese E Nitro benzenes E
Chorine G Nitroethane E
Chlorobenzene E Nitrogen dioxide TA
Chlorobutadiene E Nitroglycerine E
Chloroform E Nitromethane E
Chloronitropropane E Nitropropane E
Chloropicrin E Nitrotoluene E
Citrus and other fruits E Nonane E
Cleaning compounds E Octalene E
Coal smoke G Octane E
Creosote E Onions E
Cresol E Organic Chemicals E
Crotonaldehyde E Ozone E
Cychlohexane E Packing house odors E
Cyclohexanol E Paint & redecorating odors E
Cyclohexanol E Palmitic Acid E
Cyclohexene E Paradichlorbenzine E
Decane E Pantane G
Dibromoethane E Pentanone E
Dichlorobenzene E Pentylene G
Dichlorodifluoromethane G Pentyne G
Dichloroethane E Perchloroethylene E
Dichloroethylene E Perfumes, cosmetics E
Dichloroethyl E Phenol E
Dichloromonofluormethane G Phosgene G
Dichloronitroethane E Pitch E
Dichloroprpane E Poison gases G
Dichlorotetrafluoroethane E Pollen G
Diesel fumes E Popcorn and candy E
Diethylamine G Poultry odors E
Diethyl ketone E Propane TA
Dimethylaniline E Propionaldehyde G
Dimethylsulfate E Propionic acid E
Dioxane E Propyl acetate E
Diproyl ketone E Propyl alcohol E
Ethane TA Propyl chloride E
Ether G (PDF) Propyl ether E
Ethyl acetate E Propyl mercaptan E
Ethyl acrylate E Propylene F
Ethyl alcohol E Propyne TA
Ethyl amine G Putrefying substances G
Ethyl benzene E Putrescine E
Ethyl bromide E Pyridine E
Ethyl chloride G Resins E
Ethyl ether G (PDF) Rubber E
Ethyl formate G Sauerkraut E
Ethyl mercaptan G Sewer odors E
Ethyl silicate E Skalote E
Ethylene TA Slughtering odors G
Ethylene chlorhydrin E Smog E
Ethylene dichloride E Sour milks E
Ethylene oxide G Stoddard sovent E
Essential oils E Styrene monomer E
Eucalyptole E Sulfur dioxide TA
Fertilizer E Sulfur trioxide G
Film processing odors G Sulfuric acid E
Fish odors E Tetrachloroethane E
Floral scents E Tetrachloroethylene E
Fluorotrichloromethane G Tobacco smoke odor E
Formaldehyde G (PDF) Toilet odors E
Formic acid G Toluene E (PDF)
Gangrene E Toluidine E
Garlic E Trichlorethylene E
Gasoline E Trichloroethane E
Heptane E Turpentine E
Heptylene E Urea TA
Hexane G Uric acid E
Hexylene G Valeric acid E
Hexyne G Valericaldehyde E
Hydrogen TA Varnish fumes E
Hydrogen bromide G Xylene E (PDF)
Hydrogen chloride TA '- '-

Karbon aktif yang optimum adalah salah satunya karbon aktif Calgon. Beruntung Anda, karena Ady Water menjual karbon aktif Calgon dengan harga promo besar-besaran!

Hazimah Nurul Wafiq
Lengkap! 231 Data Kontaminan terhadap Karbon Aktif - written by Hazimah Nurul Wafiq , published at December 12, 2016, categorized as Calgon Indonesia , Karbon Aktif Indonesia
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